The threat of the jellyfish still hung heavy over the small surf of the south shore yesterday. It seemed as though we could feel their hatred seething up from the ocean below the condo (They hate our freedoms!). When we could take it no longer we fled inland via TheBus (jellyfish are notorious in their aversion to public-funded mass transit systems). We felt safe enough by the time we reached Ward Avenue to venture out on foot. Knowing there would be safety in numbers, we made our way to the
Neal Blaisdell Center where there was an exhibition entitled "Made in Hawai`i". Inside we found rows of booths displaying local food and crafts, a stage with local performers (Sean Na`auao, followed by Frank Delima), and more food and crafts. Sue found a pair of earrings to wear to tomorrow's Slack Key Festival and I found lots of food samples.
While at the show I got a call from Clay, who had finally arrived on island. He was going to make his way to Waikiki and we agreed to meet for dinner later that afternoon. After he hung up I realized I had forgotten to tell him of the Jellyfish. The poor fool would have to learn for himself.
We made our way home, stopping for groceries and beer. The sun was setting when we got home and the offshore menace seemed to be quiescent for the time being.

While walking the streets near the exhibition Sue found an interesting looking thing and brought it home. We don't know what it is, and yet we can't bring ourselves to throw it out. I fear we have allowed a new horror into the condo...
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