Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Day 2 (Late evening)

The day began with rain. We'd had a few scattered showers the previous evening and they moved in with more zeal overnight. I logged in to the office for a few hours until we lost the internet and then we went into Waikiki for the girls' surf lessons with Kevin. It went really well and both girls were up and riding in no time...

Liz catches a wave at Baby Queens.

Rae catches a wave as Liz paddles back out.

We are very inefficient with our trips to town. We walked in for the surf lesson, then walked back to the condo, then walked back to Waikiki a few hours later to have lunch at Duke's. By the middle of the afternoon we had probably logged about 5 miles or so in flip-flops so everyone was a bit tired and sore. We seem to still be very much in the run-around-and-do-stuff mindset of a vacation. Part of that is undoubtedly the girls' influence since they will only be here a week and want to run around and do stuff. I'm hoping to get Sue and I into a more relaxed frame of mind.

Later in the afternoon we went over to Bruce's house in Hawai`i Kai and did a little kayaking. That was nice. It had a calming effect on everyone. On our way home we swung through CostCo to pick up a few essentials. Then we were back to the condo for a dinner of seared Ahi and Caesar salad.


Anonymous said...

seared Ahi and Caesar salad? I hope you're willing to do that again later (when I'm there!)

Chrispy said...

Guarrans ball barrans bruddah. We're going for a diet high in fresh seafood.