Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Boogie Boarding

A few shots of the kids and me going boogie boarding at graveyards...

"This is a boogie board. It may save your life someday"

"This is the ocean. It may threaten your life someday"

Paddle paddle paddle paddle
And a little video to show what riding a wave looks like from a boogieboarder's perspective...


Anonymous said...

this kids and I


Hal said...

Actually, "the kids and me" is correct, isn't it?

Who cares, the water look gorgeous and the kids have arrived.

Hey ... when do you and "them kids" come back?

Hal said...

I take it back. "kids and me" sounds awful.

Cap'n Bob said...

"This is the ocean. It may threaten your life someday."

*grin* I know you were just trying to give the kids some good info and not scare 'em off completely, but you know the word really isn't MAY - if you spend enough time with Mother Ocean, she WILL make a run at you.

Chrispy said...

If you left off "the kids and" which pronoun would you use? "A few shots of me going boogie boarding" or "A few shots of I going boogie boarding"?

Anonymous said...

fine you're right..

and its okay, the ocean already tried to kill me once, i've paid my dues :)
although.. that was the atlantic not the pacific