Saturday, August 05, 2006

Day 6 (Evening)

A shot of Sandy Beach from the Blow Hole.

Hanauma Bay at low tide can be a daunting experience. Having passed through the orientation video (yes, I'm now checked out on the use of the bay), we were quite sensitive to putting out hands, feet, or okoles on the reef. But when you're floating with your face 9 inches above a sea urchin and a sudden surge from the ocean offers to let you get better acquainted, it's hard to just keep swimming.

After snorkelling for a bit we were planning on hiking out to the toilet bowl. But there was a large fence blocking access to the trail (the trail out to the witches brew was similarly closed). I seem to recall a time here in Hawai`i when people realized that the ocean was actually dangerous and took what precautions they thought best for themselves and their loved ones. We've reached a point where the most interesting parts of this country are roped off and inaccessible for fear that some yahoo will stub their toe and sue the government. I feel as though my generation owes a serious apology to those that follow for this state of affairs. In fact, feel free to club any lawyer who is approximately my age as my way of saying sorry.

But meanwhile, back in paradise...

After snorkelling we had lunch at Zippys, so the girls can feed the Napple monkey that has taken up residence on their back. We stopped by Bruce's and made arrangements to get Fred's board from Hugh's house (Hugh is out of town BTW). We thought this was going to turn into quite the caper, with Bruce and I breaking into the house, but instead Bruce had the board waiting for us when we got to Hugh's house at the rendevous time.

Now it's getting late, and we've just finished a yummy dinner. Blackened Shark (just to assert our dominance in the food chain), Opah sauted in a macadamia nut and garlic batter, rice and salad. Sue and I shared a Bordeaux while the sounds of a concert drifted in from the Waikiki Shell across the street. Lizzie was very excited about the bands that were playing - The Fray, and Uber Skank(?). Beats me, I'm old and waiting for the slack key guitar festival in a couple of weeks.

On edit: I've been informed that the band is Hoobastank and they suck. Frankly I like my name better, and if there are any German, all-girl, punk bands out there, they are free to use it. Provided they club a lawyer first.


Anonymous said...

"slack key guitar festival in a couple of weeks."

What day? Will I be there?

Chrispy said...

The festival is on Saturday, the 20th.

Anonymous said...

Hope you meant Sunday the 20th. Saturday the 19th is the day I get there.

Chrispy said...

I'm pretty sure that it's the 20th, if that's a Sunday, then the concert is on Sunday. :-) I'm really stoked that you'll be there for it.

Cap'n Bob said...

"uber skank" is NOT a band name - it's the general description of the women I date!!! ;)

Chrispy said...

Nice to know there are still some constants in this world. ;-)