Thursday, March 06, 2008

It's on!

Aloha kakou,

Start marking your calendars; in 4 months the adventure begins!

For you surfers, if you've not yet started training, now would be a good time to get on it. Lat pull downs and tricep presses. A good cardio workout would not be amiss as well, in preparation of some long hold-downs. Guitarists might want to revisit some taro-patch favorites so we're all ready for da kine kani ka pila.

Key dates coming up:
3/6 - If you haven't sent in your deposit check, please do so.
4/6 - First 1/2 of the rental payment due.
5/6 - Other 1/2 of rental payment due.
7/6 - Adventure begins.

Sounds like Dan is planning on bringing a couple of surfboards, I'll be bringing a couple of boogie boards and possibly my guitar, Fred already has a board stashed over there. Anybody else planning on bringing any kine?

Anybody have one place they absolutely *have* to go to eat? I know I've got at least a couple: Breakfast at The Hau Tree Lanai and Lunch at Kua `aina.

Malama pono,
Chris P.


Anonymous said...

kani ka pila: I'm gonna *try* to relearn Manuela Boy :-)

Toys: you might want to check with the airlines before committing to bringing too much stuff. It could be really expensive. It might be cheaper to buy boogie boards there. I'm not sure what to do about a guitar. I'm a bit paranoid about putting mine on an airplane; I'd need a hard shell case, at least.

Ono Hawaiian Food on Kapahulu, for take-out.
Zippy's (of course)
DHDH - we should be able to do some major cooking ourselves. Chris's seared ahi comes to mind. And I have a Korean-style bbq chicken recipe that some of you may remember.

Chrispy said...

In the past, we've been able to tape two boogie boards together and check them as a standard piece of luggage - surfboards and golf clubs will get charged.

I'm waffling on the guitar - I may consider buying a cheap 'beach guitar' over there and finding a place to stow it until my next trip. Or maybe I'll finally learn the ukulele.

Watch for a future post about my cooking plans. :-)