As mentioned, I got a little boogie boarding in this morning. We then took a walk into Waikiki. Well, a partial walk - the car was parked across the street at Kapiolani Park and the meters were going to kick in at 10, so we drove down to the Shell, parked there, and meandered into towne in search of food.
The old Denny's at the corner of Kapiolani and Kalakaua always had a great view, but the food was, well, Denny's. The place has been sold (and for all I know it was sold a decade ago) and is now Lulu's Surf Bar. The view is still great (especially with a pumping south swell), and the food is now standard Hawaiian tourist fare. Pricey but tasty, with good size servings.
We continued down through town and made contact with one of the beach boys. He was pau hana but gave us his card and said to call later to set up an appointment for the girls for tomorrow. They really liked him and this will free me up to give Sue a surf lesson at the same time. I contacted Bruce C. and he let me know that Greg's board down at the racks is available.
We came back to the condo, grabbed the boogie boards, and the girls went out to catch a few waves at The Wall.
BTW - although we have three digital cameras with us, no one knows where any of the requisite cables are to upload the pictures. We're hoping to pick up a media converter and will post some shots soon.